Poke børsen


I træning
Be interesting to see where the next counter blow will come from or if the boringness of children's rantings has kill the art of a good fight lol


Oh well. I'll live.

I still stand by my statement that I'm the one with the best start on the server. :)

Røver (Bronze - Trin 2)
Du har allerede erobret 28.295 råstoffer!
Næste trin: Erobr 1.000.000 råstoffer!

PS: I do not have Light Cavalry yet. :D


I træning
Impressive I must say...when mine is soooooooooooooooo far behind lol

Røver (Bronze - Trin 2)
Du har allerede erobret 16.661 råstoffer!
Næste trin: Erobr 1.000.000 råstoffer!

But everything is relevant and depends on how active the players around you are.

Plyndrer (Bronze - Trin 2)
Du har allerede plyndret andre landsbyer 155 gange!
Senest redigeret:


Impressive I must say...when mine is soooooooooooooooo far behind lol

Røver (Bronze - Trin 2)
Du har allerede erobret 16.661 råstoffer!
Næste trin: Erobr 1.000.000 råstoffer!

But everything is relevant and depends on how active the players around you are.

Plyndrer (Bronze - Trin 2)
Du har allerede plyndret andre landsbyer 155 gange!

True that. I'm done for this semester at uni, so I've got loads of time until february where it'll be a bit more limited.

Also I think I've simply farmed my area so hard the others gave up on farming. :D

Plyndrer (Bronze - Trin 2)
Du har allerede plyndret andre landsbyer 183 gange!
Næste trin: Plyndr andre landsbyer 1.000 gange!

Røver (Bronze - Trin 2)
Du har allerede erobret 29.091 råstoffer!
Næste trin: Erobr 1.000.000 råstoffer!

Sir Angelo

Elite medlem
Lamba used Body Slam on Forum.
Forum is paralyzed.

Orker ikke mere Pokémon snak :p

Er blevet sat i bås med Flyvergrisen og Dekanin, og nu bliver vi kaldt for team rocket... :(

Ydmygende for mig :eek:

Det næste bliver vel at jeg skal sættes i bås med trænerne eller sådan noget? :confused:

Et rygte lyder på at LK'erne er kommet til v12, og farmet okay meget i forhold til tidligere :p


I træning
Ok best tribes on world 12 and why you think they deserve that title?

The one to watch for me, is Thors Hammer. Imho. (in my humble opinion)

Looking good at the moment...nice spread, giving players room to expand.
only two slightly inactive players and a sister tribe for support.

It will be interesting to see how they fair in the next few weeks.


Thors Hammer are proven to be unskilled and badly organized at best. Don't count on it.

Game Chance is my current favourites on this server. It looks a lot like "Lazy?" on World 9 when they had northwest and just expanded up there.

Then I left for half a year so don't know how the rest went. XD


I træning
In one respect they have a good core but they are making it hard work for themselves farming wise.

Too many fish in a small pond plus they have a few members that are out in the cold :(

The first week of combat will make all the difference.


I træning
Sharpen your axes and get ready for mayhem.....Let the fun begin and may the true hero's be left standing.

At the start of every world we sit and plan our tactics, going over the mistakes we have made in the past, learning form them, developing our game skills, building up our respect and renewing past friendships.

Only to be rimmed by a bunch of noobs that got lucky lol I hate this game lol


I've just made my first mistake of the server... :(

Hit the wrong button so I accidentally completed the quest with having resource-mines at lvl 15 while not having enough room. Effectively, it's been a waste of at least 7500 ressources in total. :(


I træning
Then by letting everyone know that, you have made two mistakes lol or you are smarter than we think and just want to mislead people into thinking you have 3 level 15 farms, that I am not sure you get a bonus for anyway ;)


You get 5.000 of each ressource when you've got lvl 15 woodcutter, claypit and iron mine - after you've done the Light Cavalry assignment.

Or you get less if you have no storage-place like the above mentioned *****...



Also one where you need to make an army that takes up 2000 slots in the farm - for which you also get 5k of each ressource. :)


Junior medlem
@Lamba og Kentcold

Jeg tvivler på at nogen af de stammer får noget som helst at skulle have sagt. Har hørt at Tobias2008 er ved at skabe en vinder stamme i kulissen. Efter sigen er alle hans gamle venner ved at indsamle informationer om de andre stammers organisation og spillere. Han siges at være hundeangst for gamle kendinge som Alex89, Bilka, olivermc123 og mange mange flere. Når først der er styr på hvem der er hvor så vil de samle sig og udradere alle de gode spillere i en stor aktion, så de får gjort kort proces med alle de uheldige elementer, som har en chance for at fravriste dem sejren. Med andre ord så går de efter sejr nummer 6...

Det ironiske er at de allerede har afskrevet alle med genbrugsnavne som værdige modstandere. Dertil kommer fantasiløse navne som "game chance" der blot bliver betegnet som "disaster stammen", hvilket er ironisk, da jeg ikke engang tror hun er i den stamme :eek: Men jep gutter og gutinder, med .dk's bedste spiller på denne verden så kan alle andre vidst godt bare pakke deres sydfrugter :laugh:


I træning
I would expect no less from experienced players that have build up trust playing together over several years.....

plant spies in every upcoming tribe, show off a bit of game skill and get on the councils.

learn who they are working with, recruit spies to leave in the tribes after they have formed up to feed them info all the time.

Almost sounds like this world is lost before it starts....BUT, with all masters they have apprentices, players that have watched them over the years, made notes, learned from their game, added a new twist or two, sat back and watched waiting to rise up and become masters themselves, with a win at all costs attitude.

What goes up must come down....maybe not on world 12 but it will happen soon.

Sir Angelo

Elite medlem